A Woman in Time - From Guilt to Grace

Living in the Rhythms of Nature


Redefine time.

Imagine your life without feeling the internalized pressures and deadlines of linear time. Embody time in ways that are generous, abundant and forgiving. We explore rhythms and cycles from nature as sustainable models of cyclical time.


Reclaim wisdom.

A Woman in Time contains moments of stillness, reflection and release. We begin with breath work and brief journal exercises. Each module can be completed in 10-15 minutes, with suggestions for further practice .


Redesign life.

A Woman in Time is the online course for creating change that’s soul deep. With videos, teaching guides, worksheets and live coaching, it's designed to help you reclaim time and design life in step with Nature's rhythms.


How can we feel like we’re much too busy

yet still feel as if we haven’t done enough?

If you're like most women, there are never enough hours in the day. When evening comes, you don't know where the time went. You're so tired you can't imagine fitting one more thing into your busy schedule. If you’re ready to change your relationship with time, I’ve created something just for you.

Learn more about this course, which explores the cycles & rhythms of the natural world.

Hello, and welcome! I’m Elle

And if it seems that time is never on your side, I hear you.

You're successful and confident. You may have your own business, do work that you love, or have a career that fulfills you. You're devoted to friends, family and your community.

Your work and relationships are important to you, but meeting the demands of day to day responsibilities can seem like a constant race against the clock.

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If you long to…

  • change your relationship to time without sacrificing the life you love

  • tame the fear of being late for, missing out on or being too busy for the life you want

  • create schedules where wholeness and completion are possible

  • transform your sense of time and reconnect with the wisdom within

  • A Woman in Time is your community

A Woman in Time - From Guilt to Grace

Our next course begins in June 2024.

Click the link below to become A Woman in Time and receive all the information you need to join the community of women who are changing their relationship to time forever.